
Non-Discrimination in International Law: A Handbook for Practitioners

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Non-Discrimination in International Law: A Handbook for Practitioners
2011 Edition

The Handbook is composed of six main chapters:

Chapter I introduces the key concepts underlying the idea of equality and the basic principles of international discrimination law. It also discusses the nature of state obligations under international law to prohibit discrimination and promote equality.

Chapter II provides an overview of the chief universal and regional international human rights instruments and briefly discusses their equality and non-discrimination provisions.

Chapter III discusses in detail the key legal standards in international equality protection, such as the prohibitions of direct discrimination, indirect discrimination and provisions regarding positive action.

Chapter IV looks at procedural and evidential issues involved in claiming discrimination, including the burden and standard of proof, and also examines the possible remedies available to discrimination claimants.

Chapter V presents the approach of each international system to each of the most significant ‘grounds’ of discrimination. Those international instruments that deal directly with particular grounds are discussed in detail. Where an international instrument does not address a particular ‘ground’ of discrimination, this is noted in the text.

Chapter VI looks at some of the most important ‘intersections’ in international discrimination law and, in particular, at the impact certain other substantive rights and other themes in international human rights law may have on international discrimination law or discrimination claims.
