Second Nepal Lawyers� Workshop on �Litigating Human Rights in a State of Emergency'

Dhulikhel, 27-29 September



I. Papers


1. Rabindra Bhattrai, Advocate

�The Rights of Detainees�


2. Justice Ishwor Prasad Khatiwada, District Judge

�The Right to Life, Personal Liberty and Security under the Nepalese Constitution�


3. Professor Stephen Livingstone

'International Human Rights Law Instruments'


4. Professor Stephen Livingstone

'International Law relating to States of Emergency and Derogations from International Human Rights Law Treaties'


5. Hari Phuyal

�The Relationship between International Law and Municipal Law: an Appraisal of Nepalese Provisions and Experience�


6. Kedar Prasad Poudyal

�The Protection of Socio-economic Rights with Special Reference to the Right to Food, Right to Education and Right to Health�


7. Dr. Ram Krishna Timalsena

�Public Interest Litigation and the Protection of Human Rights in Nepal�


8. Hari Prasad Uprety

�Using Writs to Protect Human Rights�


II. Materials


9. INTERIGHTS� background paper on states of emergency


10. Status of Nepal�s ratifications of International Human Rights Treaties


11. Edited summary of Supreme Court of Nepal judgments