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1.1 Equal treatment and the elimination of all forms of discrimination are at the heart of human rights law. Interights believes that discriminatory treatment can deny opportunities for individual fulfilment and that discrimination, direct or indirect, is unacceptable.

1.2 We are therefore committed to ensuring that our own policies and practices reflect the same commitment to equal opportunities as does the law which we disseminate and promote. We are committed to promoting diversity and equal opportunity within the organisation and to creating a work environment that fosters harmonious, productive working relationships and in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity.

1.3 Interights strives to be an equal opportunities employer. We aim to ensure equal opportunity to all staff, job applicants, associates, interns and volunteers without discrimination or harassment on grounds such as, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, colour, national origin, religion, belief, political opinion, social origin, class, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, transgendered status, political affiliation or belief, disability, physical appearance, age, health or HIV status(hereafter referred to as 'on grounds of background'). Interights prohibits and will not tolerate any such discrimination or harassment.

1.4 This policy applies to all terms and conditions or employment at Interights, including recruitment, working practices, training and development, working environment and conditions of employment.


2.1 Interights is committed to a course of action and monitoring to ensure that this policy is implemented effectively. Implementation of this policy is however subject to the laws of the United Kingdom where Interights is registered and based.

2.2 Discriminatory behaviour or harassment prohibited by this policy

  • may result in action up to and including dismissal, as appropriate
  • may lead to personal legal and financial liability.

2.3 All employees are responsible for helping to ensure that all discrimination or harassment is prevented. An employee who believes that s/he has witnessed discrimination or harassment should immediately notify a member of management staff, the Management Committee or the Equal Opportunities Policy Monitoring Committee to be established under this policy.

2.4 All employees and Board members must comply fully with the letter and spirit of this policy and with relevant UK laws.


3.1 An Equal Opportunities Policy Monitoring Committee (EOP Committee) will be established to be responsible for overseeing and monitoring the implementation of the policy. The Committee will be composed of one Board member, one Management staff member, one Legal Officer and one programme or finance staff member. It will meet at least once a year, and as frequently as needed, to establish procedures and to review policies and to monitor the implementation of the policy. It will report once a year to the Management Committee.

3.2 This policy and its implementation will be reviewed annually by the Management Committee, in consultation with and on the basis of a report from the EOP Committee, which will also be submitted to the Board. The EOP Committee�s findings will be reported to the Board and to staff, either in a separate document or in the open section of the minutes of the Management Committee. Any changes to the policy will require consultation with staff and the approval of the Board.

3.3 Monitoring should identify barriers to equality of opportunity, the reasons for them and the remedial action necessary to overcome them. In particular the EOP Committee will:

  • Identify information to be collated for its consideration.
  • Analyse information collected and assess this against the objectives of the EOP to identify how the policy is working in practice
  • Examine recruitment, appointment, and employment policies and procedures, considering their direct or indirect impact on equal opportunities
  • Recommend measures, which may include affirmative action, to address any failures over a period of time.

3.4 The Finance and Administration Director will be responsible for day-to-day implementation and for collating information for purposes of monitoring. Information collated for consideration by the EOP Committee will include current ethnic and gender composition of staff, analysis of job applicants / appointments / promotions on same basis, and any other information requested by the Committee.

3.5 Information collected for purposes of monitoring will be used solely for these purposes. Individual information will be treated as confidential.


4.1 Any employee, intern, volunteer or associate who believes s/he has been the object of discriminatory behaviour within the context of his or her work with Interights should inform a member of the management staff, the EOP Committee or of the Management Committee as soon as s/he is able. The complainant will be asked to record details of the complaint in writing at the earliest opportunity. The complaint must be brought to the attention of the Management Committee without delay.

4.2 The Management Committee will investigate any allegations of discriminatory behaviour promptly in accordance with the established grievance and/or disciplinary policies.

4.3 Where discriminatory behaviour by an employee or associate is established, appropriate disciplinary or other action will be taken. The latter may include but is not limited to withholding a pay increase or promotion, reassignment, training, referral for counselling or any action necessary to protect the victim.

4.4 The availability of this complaint procedure does not preclude individuals who believe that they are being subjected to discriminatory behaviour from promptly advising the offender that his or her behaviour is unwelcome and requesting that it be discontinued.


5.1 Interights� policy is to practise a fair and non-discriminatory recruitment and selection procedure; to target groups which are under-represented within Interights workforce; and to strive for and maintain an international and multi-cultural workforce.

5.2 Selection criteria and procedures will be regularly reviewed to ensure that individuals are assessed on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities. Each job description and person specification will be reviewed by the Staffing Committee, or by a Board member designated for this purpose, for potential discrimination and inessential factors that may serve to exclude certain applicants.

5.3 Each job applicant will be sent a copy or summary statement of this Policy and all job advertisements will state that Interights aims to be an equal opportunities employer.

5.4 The diversity of job applicants will be monitored by including a detachable questionnaire. Applicants will be requested to return the questionnaires with their application forms, but they will be detached immediately on receipt and will play no part in the selection process. This will enable the organisation, after selection, to determine the types of people who applied for a particular post and those who were short-listed. Interights will maintain a record of where each job is advertised and of the target groups, if any.

5.5 If the EOP Committee determine that any group is under-represented amongst staff, it can recommend appropriate measures to target that group in specific recruitment, e.g. advertising the position in minority press, or specifically inviting target groups to apply.


6.1 Interights has identified the following areas where it can implement positive measures in the spirit of this policy:

6.1.1 The Board

The Board is responsible for overseeing the work of the organisation. Interights is committed to ensuring that no suitable candidate is excluded from the Board by reasons of the grounds referred to in para. 1.2 of this policy, and further that every effort is made to ensure that the Board includes members who belong to groups not otherwise adequately represented on it.

6.1.2 Advisory Council

Interights Advisory Council serves the organisation on a global basis providing information and directional guidance on the role that Interights should play in promoting the use of law to redress human rights violations. Interights will ensure that the Advisory Council continues to reflect appropriate diversity.

6.1.3 Interights' projects and services

Interights serves a wide range of users from all parts of the world. It is committed to serve those who suffer from discrimination in their own countries. While recognising that its control over projects is often limited, Interights is committed to ensuring, wherever possible, that no-one is prevented from having access to its services or from participating in its projects by reason of the grounds referred to in para. 1.2 of this policy. To this end, all partner organisations will be informed of Interights' Equal Opportunities Policy.

Taking into consideration the context within which each project takes place, Interights will ensure that in each project all reasonable measures have been taken to provide for equal opportunities to those of different backgrounds, and will assess whether it has done so on completion of the project.

6.1.4 Interns, fellows and volunteers

Interights offers places for interns, fellows and volunteers under each of its programmes and is committed to ensuring that these are allocated and that those selected are treated in accordance with the principles set out in this policy.


7.1 The EOP Committee will be asked to recommend appropriate forms of training for staff and Board to ensure the implementation of this policy, bearing in mind financial constraints.


8.1 All staff, interns, volunteers, Board members and Advisory Council members shall receive a copy of this policy within one month of joining Interights.

8.2 All job applicants will be informed of the existence of the policy, as will any recruitment agencies engaged by Interights.


9.1 Discrimination may be overt, covert, or a combination of both and may be displayed in many ways e.g. intimidation, innuendo or hostile remarks. It is not necessarily the intention of the perpetrator, but the impact on the recipient that determines what constitutes discriminatory behaviour.

9.2 Discriminatory behaviour covered by this policy includes but is not limited to:

  • Direct discrimination - treating someone less favourably specifically on any of the grounds referred to in para 1.2. above.
  • Indirect discrimination - imposing an unjustified requirement which one group will find more difficult to fulfil than another.
  • Harassment, including but not limited to sexual harassment.
  • Victimisation.

Approved 18/3/02
