Last updated on: 6th July
Interights - How you can help
Advisory Council

Lord of Herne Hill QC
is Honorary President of INTERIGHTS
(UK) Barrister; Member of the House of Lords


Prof Phillip Alston
(Australia) Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at New York University; UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary, or Arbitrary Executions


Florence Butegwa
(Uganda) Advocate; specialist in women's human rights and co-founder of Women in Law and Development (Africa)


Dr Ewa Eliasz
(UK) Barrister; Former advisor to Solidarity in Poland; consultant on Eastern Europe


Roger Errera
(France) Conseiller d'Etat; member of the Conseil sup�rieur de la magistrature


Professor Yash P Ghai
(Kenya) Member of the English Bar; Professor of Law, Universities of Warwick and Hong Kong


Asma Khader
(Jordan) Minister of State and Government Spokesperson; Lawyer


Viviana Kristicevic
(Argentina) Executive Director of the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), New York.


Professor Harold Koh
(USA) Dean, Yale Law School


Marek A Novicki
(Poland) President of the Polish Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights; former member, European Commission on Human Rights


Justice Kate O'Regan
(South Africa) Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa


Sonia Picado
(Costa Rica) President of the UN Voluntary Trust for Victims of Torture; Advocate; former judge of the Inter-American Court


Prof Gerard Quinn
(Ireland) Professor of Law at the National University of Ireland, Galway; former vice-president of the European Social Charter Committee


Dr Mary Robinson
(Ireland) President, Ethical Globalization Initiative; former President of Ireland; former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights


Prof Martin Scheinin
(Finland) UN Special Rapporteur on Terrorism and Human Rights; Professor of Constitutional and International Law and Director of the Institute of Human Rights at Abo Akademi University, Finland


Suriya Wickremasinghe
(Sri Lanka) Barrister, Attorney-at-Law

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