Last updated on: 2nd July
Interights - How you can help
SUGGESTED LINKS Regional Bodies/Tribunals International Bodies/Tribunals Country Sites with Legal Information Gateway Sites Offering Links to Legal Material Constitutional Law

Regional Bodies/Tribunals

African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights
Information on communications procedure, copies of human rights instruments and documentation from Commission Sessions.

Association des Cours Constitutionnelles
French-language only site with links to constitutional courts with an emphasis on Francophone countries.

Caribbean Court of Justice
Regional judicial tribunal for 12 signatory countries and established in 2001

Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court
Supreme court of record since 1967 for Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, the British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St. Kitts-Nevis, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

European Court of Human Rights
Search full text decisions of the court; available in English and French; also contains press releases of recent decisions and rules of the court.

European Court of Justice
Search recent cases of the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance; digest of Community case law available in French only.

Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Full text of jurisprudence and opinions from the court. Copies of international human rights mechanisms available in English and French.

International Bodies/Tribunals

International Court of Justice
Search the decisions and advisory opinions of the ICJ since 1946, available in English and French.

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
Case summaries, list of decisions and press releases available in English, French and Kinyarwanda.

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
Judgments, press releases and downloadable copies of the Tribunal's law review available in English, French, Albanian and Bosnian.

International Labour Organization
UN specialised agency seeking the protection of social justice and internationally recognised human and labour rights. Search ILO recommendations, conventions and databases, available in English, French and Spanish.

UN Human Rights Treaty System
Material on the UN human rights treaty system organised by state, theme and subject matter, with guidance on using the complaint mechanisms available.

UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Country information on all UN member states; full list of UN human rights conventions and bodies.

Country Sites with Legal Information

For an extensive list of links for the South Asia region, please click here

African International Courts and Tribunals Website
Offers recent news, basic documents, judges' biographies and selected jurisprudence of international courts in Africa

Australia Courts website
Cases and legislation from the different states and the Commonwealth; access to other legal material and news and developments

Belize Law website
Judgments from the Supreme Court and access to other legal material

Canada Supreme Court
Full text judgments of the Supreme Court of Canada

Cyprus Jurisprudence
Case law in local language

Hong Kong Final Court of Appeal
Full text judgments of the Final Court of Appeal of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Legal Information Institute

Indian Supreme Court Judgments

Judicial Committee of the Privy Council
Full text judgments of the Privy Council from 1999 and selected earlier judgments

Faculty of Laws, University of Malta
Decisions of the Constitutional Court (in Maltese only)

Legal Information Institute for Britain & Ireland

Legal Information Institute for the Pacific Islands

Jurisprudence from national French courts and civil codes

Malawi Supreme Court of Appeal and High Court
Civil and Criminal Judgments and Court Listings

Maltese Ministry of Justice
Online Judgements and Laws (in Maltese only)

Ministry of Justice, Law Reform & National Integration of Sri Lanka
Features Supreme Court and Court of Appeal decisions

New Zealand Supreme Court
The website for the new Supreme Court

New Zealand Court of Appeal
Full text judgments of the Court of Appeal of New Zealand

Scottish Courts website
Full text judgments of the Scottish courts

South Africa Land Claims Court
Full text and summaries of judgments

South Africa Constitutional Court
Full text judgments of the Constitutional Court of South Africa from 1995, the Supreme Court of Appeal, the land court and papers of the Law Commission

South Pacific Courts website
Full text judgments of decisions from different South Pacific national courts

Supreme Court of Jamaica

Supreme Court of Pakistan
Includes reports and judgments from the court

Times Law Reports
Covers mainly UK cases with some European Convention Human Rights

UK Court of Appeal
Full text judgments of the UK Court of Appeal and High Court

UK House of Lords
Full text judgments of the House of Lords decisions (UK)

US Supreme Court
Full text judgments of the US Supreme Court since 1893

World Legal Information Institute
This site links together the others & Wits

Gateway Sites Offering Links to Legal Material

ASIL 2000
Contains information on international law

British Council
An innovative portal site providing daily news and information about worldwide human rights issues

Center for Human Rights and Global Justice
New York Law School initiative with links to range of useful human rights resources

Commonwealth Legal Information Institute
Free access to Commonwealth and Common Law

Guide to Law Online (Library of Congress)
Links to legal information for nations worldwide

Harvard Law School
A comprehensive research guide to human rights

Human Rights Documentation Centre - Access to Human Rights

Human Rights Internet
Searchable database of human rights websites

Human Rights Tools E-Library
Provides over 200 links to human rights resources such as manuals, databases and periodicals

International Human Rights Lexicon
Online companion to the Oxford University Press book featuring treaties, judgments and other documents

International legal news and research site

Comprehensive worldwide site providing governmental, judicial and legislative information in French and English

Online legislative database providing access to domestic and international legislation in the OSCE region, plus news and other features

Links to NationalSites in Europe, Americas and Asia-Pacific

Links to National Sites in the US

NiuMedia Pacific
Legal information network providing useful resources from Papua New Guinea, the Pacific Islands, the Caribbean Islands and Tasmania.

Project on International Courts and Tribunals
Press releases and summaries of recent and past decisions of international courts

University of Kent
Very comprehensive and clearly categorised resources

University of Michigan Law School - Refugee Caselaw Site
Refugee related case law from seven jurisdictions

University of Minnesota Human Rights Library
Legal documents and links to other websites

What Convention
Trilingual legal search engine providing access to over 250 international conventions analysed article by article

Women's Human Rights Resources

Women's Link Worldwide
Clearing house of legal precedent from national and international courts and a network of advocates dedicated to developing effective legal strategies to promote women's human rights.

Constitutional Law

Constitution Finder
This index offers constitutions, amendments, charters and other related documents for nations worldwide.

Charter 88
A-Z of world constitutions hosted by constitutional reform NGO

NGO Sites

For a list of inter- and non-governmental sites in Africa, please click here.

Gender-Based Violence Prevention Network
Resource providing access to the experience of over 100 African member organisations on prevention of gender-based violence in Africa

The Human Rights House Foundation
Strengthens human rights organisations by the creation of national Human Rights Houses: working communities of human rights defenders

Minority Rights Group
NGO that works to secure the rights of ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities and indigenous peoples worldwide

The Pacific Islands Association of NGOs
Promotes access to and sharing of information, ideas and experience in resource mobilization among NGOs throughout the region

Commonwealthnet - the monthly human rights case round-up
Commonwealth and international human rights case law databases
Subscribe to bulletin/digest
Download the annual review
Virtual network on non-discrimination and minority rights
Legal Resource Library

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