Last updated on: 8th August
Interights - How you can help

Please take a few minutes to fill out this form and let us know how well the site caters to your needs and how it could be improved.
Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.


Approximately how many times have you visited the INTERIGHTS website?
First time
1-5 times
5-10 times
10+ times


Which areas of the website did you find most useful? (Please check as many as apply)
Commonwealth Case Law Database
International Case Law Database
Programme & Activities Information


Which country are you working from?


Was there a particular Programme you were looking for information on?
Regional Programmes:
Central and Eastern Europe
Commonwealth Caribbean
South Asia

Thematic Programmes:
Equal Treatment without Discrimination
Economic, Social & Cultural Rights
Freedom of Expression
Liberty and Security of the Person
Commonwealth Human Rights Law Project


Are you looking at this website in connection with work for: (Please select the most relevant)
or Other


How did you hear about the website?


If you linked to us from another page, please specify where


Which aspects of the site could we improve? (Please check as many as apply)
Information  in languages other than English


Any further comments or suggestions on the above, or on the site in general?

Please supply your email address if you would like us to get in touch with you



Commonwealthnet - the monthly human rights case round-up
Commonwealth and international human rights case law databases
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Virtual network on non-discrimination and minority rights
Legal Resource Library

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