Last updated on: 16th November
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Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Pacific

Background materials from the Judicial Colloquium and Workshop, held in Suva, Fiji from 1 - 3 June 2006, are available here.

Please click here for a full list of downloadable documents including UN General Comments, Reports of the Special Rapporteurs related to economic, social and cultural rights, and a host of other useful practical resource tools.


Legal Instruments

Click here for international and regional instruments relevant to equality

Suggested Bibliography

Click here for a list of publications of interest on equality

International Legal Standards in Relation to Violence Against Women and Rape in Situations of Armed Conflict

Click here to download this resource.

Non-Discrimination in International Law: A Handbook for Practitioners

Please click here to download this free resource which offers a comprehensive introduction to equality and non-discrimination for the practitioner, and includes links to relevant articles and publications.

Commonwealthnet - the monthly human rights case round-up
Commonwealth and international human rights case law databases
Subscribe to bulletin/digest
Download the annual review
Virtual network on non-discrimination and minority rights
Legal Resource Library

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