Last updated on: 26th July
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The following publications are from Rights International, The Center for International Human Rights Law,, various legal publishers’ online catalogues and other websites. These are intended as suggestions for further research only, and INTERIGHTS does not guarantee the suitability of content.



Adams, K et al, (2005) International Women’s Rights Cases, Cavendish Publishing, New South Wales.

Alfredsson, G and Tomasevski, K (1995) A Thematic Guide to Documents on the Human Rights of Women: Global and Regional Standards Adopted by Intergovernmental Organizations, International Non-governmental Organizations and Professional Associations, Martinus Nijhoff.

Askin, K.D. and Koenig, D.M. (1998) Women and International Human Rights Law, Transnational, Ardsley, N.Y.

Banda, F, (2005) Women, Law and Human Rights: An African Perspective, Hart Publishing, London.

Cook, R. (ed) (1997) Human Rights of Women: National and International Perspectives, Penn (also available as Derechos Humanos de la Mujer: Perspectivas Nacionales e Internacionales, Profamilia, Bogota, Columbia.)

Cook, R.J., Dickens, B.M. and Fathalla, M.F. (2003) Reproductive Health and Human Rights, Integrating Medicine, Ethics, and Law, Oxford University Press.

Eriksson, M.K. (2000) Reproductive Freedom: In the Context of International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Martinus Nijhoff.

Kerr, J. (ed.) (1993) Ours By Right: Women’s Rights as Human Rights, Zed Books/North-South Institute London.

Knop, K, (2004) Gender and Human Rights, Oxford University Press.

Molyneuxm M. and Razavi, S. (eds.) (2002) Gender Justice, Development, and Rights, Oxford University Press.

Peters, J.S. and Wolper, A. (1995) Women’s Rights, Human Rights: International Feminist Perspectives, Routledge, New York.

Schuler, M. (1995) From Basic Needs to Basic Rights: Women’s Claim to Human Rights, Women, Law & Development International, Washington, D.C.

Tomasevski, K. (1993) Women and Human Rights, Zed Books, London.

Wintemute, R. (1997) SexualOrientation and Human Rights: The United States Constitution, the European Convention, and the Canadian Charter, Oxford University Press.


Other useful bibliographies from the Berkeley Human Rights Center at: (

Women and Human Rights Law
Women Refugees
Reproductive Rights

Racial Discrimination

Fredman, S. (ed) (2001) Discrimination and Human Rights, The Case of Racism, Oxford University Press.

Lauren, P.G. (1998) Power and Prejudice: The Politics and Diplomacy of Racial Discrimination, Westview.

Moon, G. (ed.) (October 2000) Race Discrimination, Hart Publishing.

U.N. Centre for Human Rights (1991) Second Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination: Global Compilation of National Legislation against Racial Discrimination, United Nations, New York.


Persons with Disabilities

A Critical Review of the Literature Relating to the Education of the Disabled Children in Developing Countries Bibliography (see

Albrecht, G, (2001) Handbook of Disability Studies, Sage.

Breslin and Yee (eds) (2002) Disability Rights Law and Policy: International and National Perspectives, Transnational, NY.

Degener, T and Koster Drese, Y. (eds.) (1995) Human Rights and Disabled Persons: Essays and Relevant Human Rights Instruments, Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff. (from

Herr, S.S., Gostin, L.O. and Koh, H.H. (eds.) (2003) The Human Rights of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities: Different but Equal, Oxford University Press.

Lawson, A. and Gooding, C. (eds.) (2005) Disability Rights in Europe, Hart Publishing.

Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights (2002) The Current Use and Future Potential of United Nations Human Rights Instruments in the Context of Disability, HR/PUB/02/1.

Quinn, G and Degener, T (eds) Human Rights and Disability: The Current Use and Future Potential of UN Human Right Instruments in the Context of Disability, UN Geneva.




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