Last updated on: 26th July
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Joint Publications on Access to Justice in Central and Eastern Europe:
Source Book, Country Reports and Forum Report


Published in December 2003, these three books examine the state of legal aid and access to justice in the Central and East European region. They are the materials from a joint project promoting access to justice in the region, co-organised by INTERIGHTS, the Public Interest Law Initiative, the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee and the Polish Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. The goal of the project was to assess and develop solutions to a crucial problem undermining the functioning of the rule of law and constitutional democracy in Central and Eastern Europe - the widespread deficiencies in the provision of legal aid, and the negative impact this has on vulnerable groups in society.

These publications are all available to download electronically from the Public Interest Law Initiative's website by clicking on the images below.

All three books are also available in print form, free from INTERIGHTS. Please contact Erica Ffrench on: for your copies.


Access to Justice in Central and Eastern Europe: Country Reports

A compilation of nine country reports and a comparative report assessing the state of provision of legal aid in Central and Eastern Europe.

Countries assessed are: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.

The reports were drafted as part of the preparation for the European Forum on Access to Justice held in Budapest in December 2002.

Please click on the image to access the electronic version.


Access to Justice in Central and Eastern Europe: Source Book

A collection of articles, analytical papers and other documents that provide an overview of a variety of national legal aid systems, a summary of international law relevant to access to justice, and other materials related to assessing and reforming legal aid systems.

Chapters include:

General Overview
Models of Organisation of a Legal Aid and Delivery System
International Standards
Promoting Access to Justice in Central and Eastern Europe: Bulgaria and Poland
Sample Legal Aid Laws and Operational Documents

please click on the image to access the electronic version.


Access to Justice in Central and Eastern Europe: Forum Report

An account of the European Forum on Access to Justice held in Budapest in December 2002.

The Forum was attended by representatives of Ministries of Justice, the judiciary and civil society from Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, Central Asia and the Caucasus, as well as representatives from the European Union, the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and the World Bank.

The report details the exchange of information and discussion on the need for reforms, and identifies ways to move forward to improve states' provision of legal aid.

Please click on the image to access the electronic version.

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