Last updated on: 26th July
Interights - How you can help

Below is a list of papers on a range of human rights issues that have been written, edited or supported by INTERIGHTS staff. These are available in hard copy on request but all efforts are being made to provide these electronically where possible.

  • Women's Human Rights related to Health-care Services in the Context of HIV/AIDS
    Gillian MacNoughton with the support of INTERIGHTS, 2004. One of the World Health Organization's Health and Human Rights Working Paper Series 5.

  • 'Responding to September 11: The Framework of International Law'
    Helen Duffy. October 2001

  • 'Cross-border Traffic in Human Rights Jurisprudence: INTERIGHTS' Experience'
    Marie Pool and Alice Mayhew. Paper presented at the 12th Commonwealth Law Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13-16 September 1999

  • 'Matrix Under Threat: A Briefing Paper on the Offence of Scandalising the Court'
    Zahid F Ebrahim.Frontline, The Hindu, September 1999

  • 'Jamaica Withdraws the Right of Individual Petition Under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights'
    Natalia Schiffrin. American Journal of International Law, July 1998

  • European Human Rights Convention andMedia Law
    Natalia Schiffrin and . Oxford Yearbook of Media and Entertainment Law 1995, 1996, 1997/8 & 1999

  • The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights: The Development of its Non-state Communications Procedures
    Chidi Anselm Odinkalu and Camilla Christensen. 20:2 Human Rights Quarterly, 235-280, May 1998

  • 'INTERIGHTS - An International Human Rights Law Centre'
    Emma Playfair, Public Law, winter 1994

    If you are interested in obtaining any of the papers above, please contact Erica Ffrench at:

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