Last updated on: 4th October
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Volume 14 Volume 13 Volume 11 Volume 10


Volume 12 of INTERIGHTS' Bulletin


No 4 Prevention and Remedy: New European Approaches
Marek Antoni Nowicki Prevention and Remedy: New Standards for Domestic Protection of Rights
Rod Morgan Protecting Prisoners against Ill Treatment in Police Custody: The CPT's Standards
James A Goldston ECHR on Obligation To Investigate Human Rights Violations


No 3 Censoring Cyberspace
James X Dempsey Protecting the Human Right to Freedom of Expression on the Global Internet
Yaman Akdeniz The Technology of Cyber Censorship
Jill Cottrell Defamation and the Internet
Alistair Bonnington Fair Trial and the Internet


No 2 The International Criminal Court
Jerry Fowler The ICC: A Measured Step Toward Ending Impunity
Chris Hall The Right to Fair Trial under the ICC Statute
Denise Lifton The Role of the Coalition for an ICC
Diane Orentlicher Case Law of the Yugoslav Tribunals


No 1 Universal Declaration of Human Rights - 50 Years On
Hurst Hannum The Status of the UDHR in National and International Law
Andrew Byrnes The Implementation of Rights
J Oloka-Onyango Economic and Social Human Rights, the UDHR and the New Millennium
Radhika Coomaraswamy Women�s Rights and International Human Rights Law
Danilo Turk The Right to Development
Bart Rwezaura Economic and Cultural Barriers to the Global Agenda on Children�s Rights
Yash Ghai The Critics of the UDHR
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