Last updated on: 4th October
Interights - How you can help

Volume 14 Volume 12 Volume 11 Volume 10


Volume 13 of INTERIGHTS' Bulletin


No 4 Trade and Human Rights


Trade in the WTO
Pradeep Mehta & Sandeep Singh
Secretary General & Global Programme Co-ordinator of Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS)Human Rights, Development and International


WTO Dispute Settlement
Hoe Lim
External Relations Officer, External Relations Division, WTO


Corporate Accountability for International Human Rights Violations
Craig Scott
Associate Dean, Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto


Amicus Curiae before the WTO
Alice Palmer
Staff Lawyer, Foundation for International Environmental Law & Development (FIELD)


Corporate Accountability: Access to Courts
Richard Meeran
Partner, Leigh, Day & Co.


No 3 Racism and Related Intolerance


Globalisation and Racism
Kinhide Mushakoji
Secretary General, International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMDAR)


Intersection of Gender and Racial Discrimination
Pragna Patel
Southall Black Sisters


CERD and Indigenous Peoples 
Patrick Thornberry 
Chairman of Minority Rights Group International


Untouchability and the Law
Sanjoy Ghose
Women's Rights Initiative, Lawyers Collective


European Law: New Possibilities in the Fight against Discrimination
James A. Goldstone
Deputy Director, Open Society Institute


The Starting Line Group
Isabelle Chopin
Director, Starting Line Group


Elements of Effective Anti-Discrimination Law
Mariann Meier-Wang
Legal Officer, Interights


Legal Aid before Human Rights Tribunals
Suzanne Turner
Partner, Ballard Spahr & Ingersoll


Freedom of Expression and Limits on Racist Speech
Tarlach McGonagle
Researcher, Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam

No 2 Implementing Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Practice


Multifaceted Powers for Addressing Economic Injustice in the Inter-American System
Beth Lyon
Practitioner-in-Residence, International Human Rights Law Clinic, Washington College of Law
Read this article


The Implementation of the ESCR: The Experience of South African NGOs
Karrisha Pillay
Researcher, Socio-Economic Rights Project, University of the Western Cape


The Right to Education: the Work of the Special Rapporteur
Katarina Tomasevski
Professor of International Law & International Relations, Lund University; UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education


Direct Application of the ICESCR in France
Ibrahima Kane
Legal Officer, Interights


No 1 Property Rights, Restitution and Compensation


Compensation, Restitution and Human Rights in Post-Communist Europe
Jeremy McBride
Reader & Director of the Human Rights Law & Practice Programme, University of Birmingham


Indigenous Peoples' Property Issues in North America and Australasia
Benedict Kingsbury
Professor of Law, New York University Law School


Customary Law and Women's Inheritance Rights in Commonwealth Africa
Chidi Anselm Odinkalu
Legal Officer, Interights

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