Last updated on: 4th October
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Volume 13 Volume 12 Volume 11 Volume 10


Volume 14 of INTERIGHTS' Bulletin


No 4 Women's Rights in the 21st Century - OUT OF PRINT


Articles Include:


Women�s Rights in the 21st Century
Christine Chinkin
Professor of International Law at the London School of Economics


Transitional Perspectives in Women�s Rights
Penelope E. Andrews
Professor of Law at the City University of New York


The Protection of Women�s Rights in Africa
Fareda Banda
Lecturer in African Law at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London


The Due Diligence Standard and Violence against Women
Stephanie Farrior
Professor of Law at Pennsylvania State University, Dickinson School of Law, USA


Women�s Rights in Transition: the Sri Lankan Case
Sunila Abeysekera
Director of INFORM Human Rights Documentation Centre, Sri Lanka


Challenges to Litigating Women�s Rights to Inheritance
Sibongile Ndashe
Attorney at the Women's Legal Centre, South Africa


Enforcing Laws Against �Honour Killings� in Jordan
Rana Husseini
Journalist with the Jordan Times


The UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women
Ambika Satkunanathan
Researcher/Co-ordinator for the Programme on Constitutionalism & Human Rights, International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Colombo


CEDAW�s Optional Protocol Procedures
Catherine MacKinnon
Co-Director of Equality Now's Lawyer's Alliance for Women Project, New York


Promoting Women�s Rights through Ad Hoc International Tribunals
Mandiaye Niang
Special Assistant to the Registrar of the ICTR


Defending Reproductive Rights through International Litigation
Christina Zampas
Legal Adviser for Europe at the Center for Reproductive Rights, New York


New Gender Equality Directive
C�cile Gr�boval
Policy Co-ordinator of the European Women's Lobby, Brussels


No 3 Enabling People: Human Rights Law and Disability


Articles Include:


UN Standard Rules on Disability Pave the Way for Human Rights
Bengt Lindqvist
Co-director of Disability Rights Promotion International


From Special Needs to Equal Rights: Legal Developments in the European Community in the Disability Field
Barbara Nolan
Head of Anti-Discrimination, Fundamental Social Rights and Civil Society Unit of the European Commission


Invisible Women
Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo
National Commissioner for the South African Human Rights Commission


Force in Mental Health Services: International User/Survivor Perspectives
Mary O'Hagan
Board Member of World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry


Legal Protection for Persons with Disabilities in India
Anuradha Mohit and Santosh Rungta
Special Rapporteur on Disability for the National Human Rights Commission of India, and Secretary General of the National Federation of the Blind in India respectively.


UN Study on Human Rights and Disability 2002: Findings and Recommendations
Gerard Quinn
Professor of Law, Disability Law and the Policy Research Unit, National University of Ireland


International Human Rights Law Informs Recent US Supreme Court Decision Striking Down Anti-Gay Sodomy Laws
Laurence R Helfer
Fellow in Law and Public Affairs Programme, Princeton University


No 2 Children's Participatory Rights


Articles Include:


Children's Participation: A Decade of Change
Gerison Lansdown
Consultant on children's rights and former director of the Children's Rights Office, London


Children's Participatory Rights: Article 12 and Beyond
Deirdre Fottrell
Lecturer in International Human Rights Law at University of Essex, UK


Coming to Terms with Conflict: Children in Sierra Leone Speak Up
Iain Levine and Saudamini Siegrist
Office of Emergency Programmes, UNICEF


Child Participatory Rights in the Arab World
M Siraj Sait
Lecturer in Law and Human Rights, University of East London


Landmark Legal Reform for South Africa's Children: The Child Justice Act
Julia Sloth-Nielsen
Faculty of Law, University of Western Cape, South Africa


No 1 National Prosecutions, International Crimes


Articles Include:


Universal Jurisdiction: Challenges to Implementation since Pinochet I
Christopher Keith Hall
Legal Adviser, Amnesty International


Human Rights, Sovereignty and Immunity in the Recent Work of the ICJ
Andrew Clapham
Professor of Public International Law, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva


Challenging Amnesty Laws in Argentina
Victor Abramovich & Maria Jos� Guembe V�ctor
Executive Director, CELS (Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales) and coordinator of the �Memory and the Fight against Impunity for State Terrorism� program, CELS, respectively


Hiss�ne Habr�: A Case Update
Reed Brody
Advocacy Director, Human Rights Watch


Genocide: New Interpretations of an Old Crime
William A. Schabas
Professor of Human Rights Law, National University of Ireland, Galway, and
Director, Irish Centre for Human Rights

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